Let me just tell you what a FUN family this is! Never a dull moment, and I loved every second of it! And I absolutely love that mom wanted to have a few with the girlfriends! So cool! You may notice another furry family member that you wouldn't typically see in a family photo. A little teddy bear. But this is a very special teddy bear that brought tears to my eyes. It represents a family member that has passed on just a few months shy of his 2nd birthday. As Jodi pulled out her grandson's bear, I could not help but feel overwhelmed with emotion for her and her family. I felt extremely touched by the love in Jodi's heart and how amazing it was that she implemented him in such an inspiring way. I feel the most important part of what I do is to capture a moment in time for families to cherish. I often find gratitude for having photos of my late father to share with my future children. For this I try to give back by helping others have those memories to share with their families and future posterity. This day, Jodi taught me a valuable lesson. A lesson of love and remembrance. Celebrate life. Sometimes we focus on the negative. That our loved ones are gone. But we need to remember how they touched our lives and celebrate them. They are still with us, just not the way we necessarily want them to be. Thank you Jodi!

That bear idea totally brought tears to my eyes! Great job Jennilynn...you make Wheeler farm look so fresh and new to me! I had to look twice to realize that's where you were!
I LOVE these pictures! The leaves, the wagon, way cute!!
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