The winning family will have a free session and also be given a free CD with appx 50 images.
Their session will be at an outdoor location of their choice within the Salt Lake Valley anytime before October of 2011.
Winner will be announced on Christmas Day! Perfect Christmas gift!!
So here's how you nominate them:
Leave a comment here on the blog with the name of the family, why you feel they should win. If you feel the family would be uncomfortable with their full name and/or story in a comment please just give their initial and/or your email address. I will then contact you via email to ask why you believe this family should be nominated. . Example: If I were nominating the Smith family I would leave my comment as:
"Nominating the {S} Family, Jennilyn Proulx,"
If by chance you are unable to think of a family, but still want to help, please repost this to your blog, Facebook, Twitter, etc. Your friends may have other deserving friends. Their stories will not be shared unless they say otherwise. Entries will close on December 22nd at midnight!

Happy Holidays!
Can I enter my brother and his two girls?
Hi! I am Lindsey Allen. I have heard about your pics from my friend Tiffany Woods. I have been trying to think of a present for my older sister. I came upon your blog and saw your kind Christmas give away. I think my sister and her adorable family are more then deserving. My sister has 2 kids and works part time as a teacher. My brother-in-law is trying to get into medical school so money is very tight!! He stays home with the kiddos while my sister teaches and the he is off to work and doesn't get home till 10 every night. They hardly get to be together as a family and I know they would love to have family pictures together before life gets more crazy! I know that there are probably many deserving families, but I know this family would be very grateful for your give away. And I do have to say that I have a very cute 3 yr old nephew and a 6 month old niece. You would have a great time shooting pictures with them!
Thanks for reading! Good luck!
Ps...if the Eastons don't get picked....can you still email me pricing for family shoots? I still would like to do something nice for them one of these days. They honestly would love it!! Thanks, Lindsey
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