I had the most WONDERFUL time catching up with my old school mate, Babelicious Becca! In the last 7 month she dropped 56lbs and looks smokin' hot! I'm super proud of her! I felt honored to take her bridal shots for her. I just wish so badly I was available for her wedding in August. It sounds like it will be absolutely AMAZING! So here is the sneak peek for her to see, but if your name is Erik...please look away. You need to wait to see your gorgeous bride on your wedding day! I had a hard time choosing which ones to share, but I promised Becca some train shots, so here ya go!

Man do I love these shots...Maybe I am a litte stuck on myself but those look freakin awesomeness and I look really hot in them. Cant wait to see the others. And I totally do love the train shots.
becca you freakin look soooooo dang good wha whue!!!! beautiful shots makes me wanna do bridals even tho i got married a year ago :) jennilyn your the best
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